Rrêve Sélavy - EN
If these three musicians from Ensemble Nautilis form the Rrêve Sélavy trio, it’s because their association appears to be an obvious one. Their combination is still exhilarating after twenty years of musical understanding and research, of artistic collaborations on numerous projects, around the same vision of music, free, alive and always in motion. Their music plays with styles and genres, and has its roots in jazz and improvised music.
Rrêve Sélavy allow themselves the freedom to play with sound, often wandering into uncharted territory with bright, vibrant improvisations and compositions that reflect the pleasure of playing modern jazz.
The trio’s music is inspired by each other’s dreams, such as this one:
“Last night, I dreamt that my soul had left my body, and that I was travelling through immense spaces as quickly as I could think. First I was transported to the middle of a savage tribe. I witnessed a ferocious battle, without being in any danger since I was both invisible and invulnerable. From time to time, I would look at myself, where my body would have been if I had one, and I would make sure that I no longer had one. I then saw volcanic soil, extinct pits and other features, obvious reproductions of readings I had once read or engravings I had seen, but greatly amplified and enlivened by my imagination. I felt that I was dreaming, but I was not convinced that this dream was utterly untrue”
extract from Dreams and the means of directing them, Hervey de Saint-Denys, ed Cartouche, 1867
With financial support of DRAC Bretagne, de la Région Bretagne, du Conseil Départemental du Finistère, de la Ville de Brest, de la SACEM, de Henri Selmer France et JLV Sound Paris.
Bretagne Magazine :
Du jazz haut de gamme, Nautilis réussit son pari funambulesque de tenir sur le fil aussi improbable que fragile qui relie la légèreté et l’exigence, la liberté et l’écriture la plus rigoureuse.
Jazz Magazine :
Révélation, ils s’affranchissent de toutes conventions stylistiques et emportent l’adhésion à tous les coups.
Penn Ar Bed :
Un pari fou, mais un pari gagné
Le Cri de l’Ormeau :
On est embarqué dans un roman d’anticipation, une utopie
Culture Jazz :
OUI, ON AIME ! Nautilis amène un air nouveau venu du large, sainement revigorant !
Coté Brest :
Nautilis, l’art du collectif
Star Wax :
Une expérience musicale rare
Le Courrier du Léon :
Génial !
Il est le maître des tempêtes avec sa contrebasse insubmersible. Gravité, profondeur, stabilité, sans oublier ses walkings qui sonnent comme le rappel d’une vérité immémoriale de cette musique. (Jazz magazine)
Un très grand contrebassiste. (Jazzman)
« Solide personnalité du jazz français » (Citizen Jazz).
« Un des clarinettistes français qui compte » (Culture Jazz)
Un des batteurs majeurs de la scène française, qui double son talent d’un goût immodéré pour le risque dans l’acte musical, surtout s’il est collectif. (Jazz à l’Ouest)
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