Music can electrify or anaesthetize, hypnotize or wake up, provoke the desire to dance or invite melancholy in. Ensemble Nautilis has been conducting this project for several years now, inspired by scientific and artistic research. The musical composition as well as the lyrics both invite the listener into a sensory journey that question the perspective of time, pleasure or rejection, the emotional state and that of dawning. Come and try for yourself!
Brain Songs is a show that explores the link, nearly physical, between the musicians brains and that of the listeners poetically for the time of a concert. This creation is inspired by scientific and artistic research conducted by Ensemble Nautilis with Nicolas Farrugia within the framework of meeting and concerts (Brain Songs #1) and a musical and visual show (Brain Songs #2). From these experiments, emanates a poetic and musical imagination based as much on knowledge brought by neurosciences as on the emotional intuition of the musicians confronted with these experiments.
On stage, Christophe Rocher’s composition was inspired by the need to make the listener go through various inner states provoked by music. The composition, whose function is to propose different lines of improvisation aim’s is to invite the public into a sensory journey which questions the perception of time, pleasure or rejection, the emotional state and that of dawning. It will be an opportunity to suggest a new instrumental arrangement which will be at the service of a multi-influence music (poly-speed, repetitions, textures, melodies, colours, improvisations) stemming from each musician’s personalities and the goal to delude the listener.
Claudia Solal offers six texts resulting from a form of automatic writing – that she will sing – in connection to the subject. These texts will be orchestrated by Christophe Rocher with references to aesthetics recognizable to the public in the form of veiled reference to pop music, soul and minimalist music or free jazz… These written parts will alternate with guided improvisations (guided by concepts of intentions related to the supposed inner states of the musicians as well as of the listeners). For this creation, music will be categorised by the perspective of its effects on the brain of the listeners, on the hypothetical curves characterised by the inner state of the listener according to two variables: the valency (which can approach the state of pleasure) and the state of meditation (or cerebral activity).
With the financial support from DRAC Bretagne, Région Bretagne, Conseil Départemental du Finistère, City of Brest, SACEM, Henri Selmer France and JLV Sound Paris
The eight musicians of Ensemble Nautilis have strong personalities, recognised in the jazz world for many years now. Creative, improvised, and contemporary music all give a unique character to this musical ensemble. The meeting of electronics and acoustic instruments allows for a music that goes beyond time and clichés, a music which oscillates between experimental music and forms of repetitive grooves.
Christophe ROCHER (clarinets and composition)
Claudia SOLAL (voice, lyrics)
Christian PRUVOST (trumpet)
Stéphane PAYEN (saxophone)

Radio concert of Ensemble Nautilis – improvized live at Carreau du Temple (Paris) during Anne Montaron’s (Radio France) program À l’improviste :

Excerpts from the concert organized on December 4th, 2022 by CNCM Cesare, at SHED in Reims.
- 04.12.2022 : at Shed / Jazzus (Reims)
- 10.10.2022: Carreau du Temple (Paris) – radio concert (France Musique)
- 28.04.2022 : L’Estran (Guidel)
- 05.04.2022 : Athénor (St-Nazaire)
- 10.03.2022 : Festival Ressac (Brest)